Teacher Paola's Story

My name is Ana Paola Rangel Romero, I am 24 years old and I have been participating in the Willamette-Laja Twinning Project. In the last year and a half, my participation has been to teach environmental education workshops in rural primary schools where students have developed in a natural environment in the presence of birds, flora and fauna in general. I, myself, was born in a rural community and that is why I studied engineering- forestry career with a focus on habitat conservation and restoration. I was fortunate to know the Willamette, Oregon projects in a university exchange that took place in 2018. Based on this exchange and to follow up on what I learned, they invited me to coordinate the Environmental Education Project “Birds Shared. "

My main interest in this project, without a doubt, is to sensitize and awaken the interest of children for the care and protection of the environment, since they are in a very favorable stage of development to learn to look at the world from a teaching environmental.

In my role as teacher educator, I have the opportunity to approach these children with whom I can share the development of interests, knowledge and skills regarding environmental education that helps them assess the richness of natural resources and the environment that surrounds them. Near the Emiliano Zapata school, where the project is carried out, a Protected Natural Area called Peña Alta is located and I believe that because of this proximity, these educational programs will be able to influence a process for the life of the students. I think that with this Project we are contributing a little to the destiny of the planet where children and young people can contribute their grain of sand in the fight against climate change.

My personal and professional objective is to get physically and intellectually involved to bring my knowledge, skills, interest, and love for my work for children and community, where the information is not only theoretical but practical, enjoyable and fun. "Let's do more environmental education for the future of the new generations!”